Bahman Salimi, Khodadad Vahedi, R. Hosseini, and Masoud Rahmani, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.


One of the most important issues in the design of armored plates is to achieve the highest efficiency coefficient in a given weight or thickness. Therefore, in this study, a target of Alumina ceramic and Aluminum 6061 support layer is sought to achieve the highest resistance using simulation. For simulations in this study we use explicit Solver software, the result of comparison with the experimental work of other researchers in the field of ceramic armor shows that simulation The work done has an acceptable accuracy. The results show that with increasing speed of bullet collision, the role of ceramic paints becomes more intense and its optimum thickness increases. As the collision angle increases, the role of aluminum support plate plays a more important role.

Index Terms— Aluminum ceramic armor, optimization, explicit solving, simulation.

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