Thank you for considering the Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies as the right place for your work. Please ensure that you have prepared your manuscript in line with the Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies' general requirements for articles and our specific advice on the different article types.

Please do not send articles by post. All submissions should be sent via our online manuscript submission system.

We do not want to publish articles that overlap substantially with articles published elsewhere. Plagiarism – copying other people's work without permission, citation, and good reason – is a serious form of misconduct which the Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies will act on. It may also be unacceptable to submit an article that overlaps substantially with your own previous work (whether that work has been published or submitted – to the Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies or elsewhere): please tell us about this in your cover letter, or in a presubmission inquiry, so that we can judge the degree and nature of overlap. We expect authors to submit, as supplemental files, copies of any previous article that overlaps by more than 10% with their Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies submission.

The Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies strongly prefers submissions online for Articles, Letters, Reviews and Perspectives. Please follow these guidelines to ensure that your submission proceeds smoothly.

If your manuscript and figures are ready to submit according to the manuscript formatting guidelines and requirements below, please proceed directly to the online submission system.

Important requirements:

* Submissions sent by e-mail will not be considered.

* Our online submission system is for Articles, Letters, Reviews and Perspectives. Do not submit other types of contribution online unless specifically requested by a Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies editor.

* If you submit a manuscript online, please do not also make a postal contribution.

* When using our online submission system, please ensure that your browser is set to accept cookies, as the system requires them for proper operation.

* Online submissions require the full names and e-mail addresses of all the authors.

* When entering contact and manuscript information (see Submitting your files below), please make sure that everything is input correctly. Errors in contact information, in particular in your e-mail address or in manuscript titles, create severe problems in the handling of your submission.

Content-related issues:

* Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies does not require all authors of a paper to sign the letter of submission, nor does it impose an order on the list of authors. Submission to Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies is taken to mean that all the listed authors have agreed all the content. The corresponding (submitting) author is responsible for having ensured that this agreement has been reached.

* A copy of a permission letter or e-mail must be included for any work described in the paper as "personal communication". Please ensure that any unpublished data cited within the manuscript are properly credited.

* Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies expects that as a rule, figures in research papers will be original figures generated by the authors. However, in cases where figures are commissioned, obtained or bought externally by the authors, or where figures have been previously published elsewhere, the corresponding author is responsible for pointing this out to the editors at time of submission, and for including written permission for use of such figures before or at time of acceptance for publication of the manuscript in Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies.

* One copy of any relevant paper by any of the authors submitted or in press elsewhere (including papers submitted elsewhere while the Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies  contribution is under consideration) should be attached, ideally as PDFs but in other format if PDF is not possible, clearly marked as such. Failure to disclose this information may lead to rejection.

* Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies does not consider contributions under consideration or published elsewhere. This policy does not apply to conference abstracts or to prior postings on recognized community preprint servers, which are allowed. If part of a contribution has appeared or has been submitted elsewhere, the paper is not automatically rejected so long as the main result, conclusion and implications are not apparent from the other work. In this event, the corresponding author must specify in the covering letter which part of the contribution will appear or has appeared elsewhere, indicating the publication concerned. Authors must also state whether any material in the paper has appeared or will appear on a preprint server and, if so, which. After submission, the editor handling the manuscript must be consulted if the author wishes to publish or publicize any part of it elsewhere during the consideration process.

Manuscript formats:

* Before sending your manuscript to Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies, please ensure that it meets the requirements stipulated in the manuscript formatting guide. 

* Acceptable formats for the manuscript are Microsoft Word (preferred), PostScript (PS, EPS or PRN), PDF, WordPerfect, Rich Text Format (RTF) and plain text (TXT). If using Tex, please convert to PDF. If using Word 2007, please create the document in Compatibility Mode (i.e. as a Word 97-2003 document; saved as .doc, not .docx).

* The filename, including the extension, MUST NOT EXCEED 31 CHARACTERS, or your file will fail to transmit.

* All figure legends and tables should be included in the manuscript.

Figure formats:

* Production-quality figures are not helpful at this stage, and will be required only if your paper is accepted in principle for publication. Follow these guidelines carefully to produce versions suitable for editorial assessment and peer review:

* All digital images should comply with the journals' policy on image integrity.

* We prefer that you convert all your figures to medium-resolution JPEG to reduce the time it takes files to upload to our submission site. If you cannot send JPEG we can accept GIF, PostScript (PS, EPS or PRN), PDF, TIFF and PowerPoint. Please do not send other formats.

* Figures should be prepared at the size you would expect them to appear in Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies (a single column width is 89 mm, double column width is 183 mm).

* We prefer figures to be 150 dpi (dots per inch). However, the general guide is that you should be happy with what you see on your printer and/or monitor and adjust the resolution accordingly. Most referees will print your figures on common laser or inkjet printers, using ordinary copy paper, and may view them on a monitor set to 256 colors. If you are using high-specification hardware please take this into account.

* Color, when used as an identifying tool, should be distinct.

* Please name your figure files with the convention: "CorrespondingAuthorSurname_fig1.jpg".

* For figures with more than one part, label parts "c", "f" etc, and create a PDF scan of the whole figure to show preferred layout. On each composite include the corresponding author's name, Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies reference number, when known, and the figure number.

Cover Letter:

* Submissions should be accompanied by a brief covering letter from the corresponding author. This letter should contain two (100-word or shorter) summaries: a concise paragraph to the editor indicating the scientific grounds why the paper should be considered for a topical, interdisciplinary journal rather than for a single-discipline or archival journal; and a separate, 100-word summary of the paper's appeal to a popular (non-scientific) audience.

* The cover letter should state clearly what is included as the submission, including  number of figures, supporting manuscripts and any Supplementary Information (specifying number of items and format).

* The cover letter should also state the number of words of text in the paper; the number of figures and parts of figures (for example, 4 figures, comprising 16 separate panels in total); a rough estimate of the desired final size of figures in terms of number of pages; and a full current postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and current e-mail address. Canadian Journal of IoT, and Smart Engineering Technologies usually communicates with authors by e-mail; authors must specify if they wish to exclude a method of communication.

Submitting your files:

* When you are ready to submit your files, please proceed with the journal's online submission system.

* Once you have logged in to the online submission system, you will be asked to fill in your details on the submission form and submit all files relating to your manuscript.

* Once you have completed all file uploading, your manuscript will be submitted to journal's editors and you will receive an e-mail acknowledgement. At any time afterwards you can use the system to check the status of your manuscript.

* If you experience any problems using the system, please contact our helpdesk for assistance.


* All users have to enter a password, or have access to an encrypted URL, to access their part of the online submission system. Encrypted links and passwords are only ever sent to the e-mail addresses of registered users. We ensure the data and files in our database are regularly and securely backed up. After submitting the review the reviewer no longer has access to the PDF through our system.

* All manuscripts are scanned for viruses using industry standard virus-scanning software as part of the submission process. The virus software is updated daily.

Revised and final submissions:

Revised manuscripts:
Please use online manuscript submission system to submit a revised version of your manuscript. 

Final manuscripts:
If a manuscript is accepted in principle for publication, authors will be required to upload electronic files of the text, production-quality figures and Supplementary Information (if any) to our server.